Washington, DC
Working with Board and staff leadership, Capital Fundraising Group serves as fundraising counsel to New Futures, a non-profit organization in Washington DC. Services include formulation and implementation of development strategies supporting long term strategic organizational growth. Included in these services are initiatives identifying prospective funders and collaborators and engaging them in the New Futures mission, developing print and media communications content and spearheading event driven fundraising initiatives. According to Greg Cork, former Executive Director at New Futures “In my 13-year nonprofit career, I’ve never had the privilege and great good fortune of working with so capable and passionate a fundraising professional as Cindy van den Beemt, with whom I teamed up during my tenure as Executive Director of the DC-based New Futures. Cindy has it all: a native mission-driven, results-oriented, and strategic sensibility and a keen eye for opportunity that equips her ideally and empathetically to be an effective cultivator and connector.”